Gain Control and Lose Weight With These 6 Strategies to Quit Overeating

07/09/2018 - 04:11 PM

If you're in the habit of eating way past the point of fullness, or if cleaning your plate has become a daily occurrence, it can lead to bloating [1] and weight gain. If you struggle with that cycle of overeating [2], NASM-certified personal trainer Sam Altieri [3] shared these six strategies in an Instagram post [4] to get you back on track to listening to your body and eating until you're satiated, not stuffed.

"Breaking the habit may not be easy at first," Sam wrote in her caption. "It most likely won't vanish overnight, but if you're patient, work on it one meal at a time, and focus on getting better at understanding your body and hunger cues, you can (and will) make progress!" Here's how.

Sit Down at the Table

No more eating at the counter, in the car, or on the couch. This will help prevent mindless eating between meals. Make meals a special time where you take time to sit at the table [5]. Take a deep breath, and express gratitude for the food in front of you before taking your first bite.

Eat Without Distraction

Put down the phone, step away from the TV, and stop surfing the web. Eating without any distractions [6] will help you recognise when you're full.

Put Your Utensils Down Between Bites

Put your fork down between bites. This helps slow you down to prevent inhaling your food so fast that your brain and stomach don't have time to register that they're full. Registered dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition [7], suggests that you can even take a 10-minute break halfway through your meal [8] to assess whether you should continue eating more or be done.

Take at Least 20 Minutes to Eat

Set aside time to prepare and mindfully enjoy eat bite [9] instead of stuffing your meal down in five minutes. It'll make you feel more satisfied emotionally, and allow you to recognise when your tummy is full.

Eat High-Fibre Foods

At every meal and snack — yes, even breakfast! — choose high-fibre foods [10] to add to that "I'm full" feeling.

Eat Until You're 80 Percent Full

Be mindful of two things. One: chew your food a lot, about 25 to 30 times per bite. And two — this is the most important — eat until you're 80 percent full (which is about a six on the hunger scale [11]) rather than overstuffed and in pain. "Your brain won't recognise you're full until 15-20 minutes after the fact, so try not to eat until you're 100% full!" Sam said.

How to Stop Overeating

"Occasional overeating isn't a problem as long as you get back on track," Sam said. "But, it can be problematic when you experience reoccurring episodes." So, try these strategies the next time you eat.

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