This "All About the Incline" Walking Workout Makes For a Perfect Lunchtime Sweat Sesh

16/01/2019 - 12:40 PM

People walking on treadmill.

Adding a little, or a lot, of incline to the treadmill is one way to increase the intensity of your walking workout. Plus, it works your booty too. Here's a quick walking workout I like to do, especially a day or two after a hard strength-training session. It's only 22 minutes, and it gets the blood flowing. I like to end the workout with some core exercises [1] to make my gym time feel complete. Feel free to adjust the speed and incline to fit your needs.

Time Speed
Incline Notes
0:00-3:00 3.0 1.0
3:00-6:00 3.5 5.0
6:00-9:00 3.5 10.0
9:00-11:00 4.0 10.0
11:00-12:00 3.0 5.0
12:00-14:00 3.7 5.0
14:00-16:00 3.7 10.0
15:00-18:00 4.0 10.0
18:00-20:00 3.7 10.0
20:00-22:00 3.0 5.0

Take advantage of your warm muscles and work on your flexibility! Try this full-body stretch sesh [2].

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