Bookmark This WW Shopping List For Your Next Trip to the Grocery Store

08/01/2019 - 08:13 PM

Grocery shopping while you're on WW [1] is pretty much exactly like grocery shopping on any other diet — or just grocery shopping in general. There are no hard-and-fast rules about cutting your favourite foods out of your eating plan. It's just a matter of figuring out your SmartPoints [2] and budgeting it all into your day properly. However, it should be pretty obvious that the more lower-in-points foods you eat, the more you can eat overall.

I put together a grocery list of my favourite staples I like to always grab when I'm shopping, and it's mostly full of 0-point foods [3] with a few little extras here and there. (Yes, bread is included!) Keep reading to get some ideas of what you should stock up on the next time you hit the grocery store.


You really want to stock up on produce since fruits and vegetables are practically freebies when it comes to SmartPoints. Everything here is 0 points.


Stock up on fresh veggies. They're your best friends, and they have 0 SmartPoints (except potatoes, sad face).

Meat and Seafood

I tend to stick to lean proteins and lots of seafood, but there's nothing wrong with indulging in a juicy steak from time to time.


It's up to you to pick and choose if you want true dairy or dairy alternatives. For me, I stick to mostly alternatives because dairy isn't my friend, but you definitely have a lot of options.


There's nothing wrong with having fats in your diet! In fact, you need them, so make sure you're selecting good ones.

Pantry Staples

I don't keep a lot of pantry items on hand, just because I rely on fresh foods almost exclusively. But there are a few I always make sure to pick up.


The beauty of WW is that you don't have to cut anything out of your diet if you don't want to. I still eat bread, and it fits seamlessly into my plan!

Canned Goods

I love to stock up on canned vegetables. They're still 0 SmartPoints just like their fresh counterparts, as long as you don't get anything with any additives, but they last longer in your cupboards.

Frozen Foods

There are some foods that I buy frozen simply for convenience. And then there are some things in the freezer department that I buy simply because everyone deserves a treat in life.

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