Here's How to Work and Tone Your Waist

02/05/2018 - 08:45 PM

Unfortunately, we cannot pick and choose where we slim down, the waistline included. As they say, "abs are built in the kitchen" and the same holds true for losing weight around your waist. You can, however, tone and strengthen the area with these exercises that target the obliques to create a powerful core. And don't forget that firing your deep abs, the transverse abdominals (aka TVA), decreases the diameter of the waist. With all your ab work, and pretty much every other exercise too, focus on pulling your abs to your spine [1] as you exhale to work your TVA while also working your obliques.

Seated Trunk Twist

Seated Russian Twist

Seated Russian Twist With Weight

To advance this exercise, raise your feet off the floor.

Side Plank

Side Elbow Plank

Side Elbow Plank With Pulse

Star Plank

Side Plank With Leg Lift

Side-Plank Crunch

Side Plank With Weight

Elbow Plank With a Twist

Twisted Bird Dog

Push-Up to Side Plank

Push-Up and Rotate

Spiderman Plank (aka Creepy Crawler)

Twisted Mountain Climber

Bunny Hop

Bicycle Crunch

Oblique V-Crunch

T-Cross Sit-Up

Dumbbell Crossover Punch

Standing Elbow-to-Knee

Kick Crunch

Rotating Deadlift

Related: The 25 Best Bodyweight Exercises [4]

Reverse Lunge With Twist

High to Low Wood Chop

Standing Wood Chop With Med Ball

Standing Side Bend

Standing Weighted Twist

Sumo Squat and Side Crunch

Shoulder Press and Side Crunch

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