The 6-Month Wedding Workout Plan That'll Put You in Great Shape For the Big Day

11/05/2018 - 08:25 PM

Wedding planning [1] is in full swing, and you couldn't be happier. You've said yes to the dress (and your bridal party has said yes to theirs), and you're sampling the menu, picking out floral arrangements, and finalizing the guest list.

By the time your wedding is six months away, you may be thinking about a prewedding nutrition plan [2] and exercise regimen [3] leading up to the big day. Every bride's body type and fitness goals vary — while some brides may be looking to shed a few pounds, others may prefer to tone their bodies rather than move the needle on the scale. Either way, you'll want a six-month plan in place so that you can amp up your workout and increase its difficulty over an extended period of time.

POPSUGAR spoke to two trainers about how best to achieve your prewedding fitness goals. Patricia Friberg [5], group fitness director at Equinox in Westlake, CA, and the creator of four workout DVDs, provided a six-month plan for brides-to-be who are looking to lose some weight before the big day. Cat Kom, founder and lead trainer at Studio SWEAT [6] and Studio SWEAT onDemand [7], gave POPSUGAR an equally detailed plan for women who wish to tone their bodies before they put on their wedding dresses.

Read on for the six-month workout plans provided by Friberg and Kom.

6 Months Out

Weight Loss

With your big day six months away, Friberg told POPSUGAR that the first step is to establish a mindset and routine for the next six months. She recommends purchasing a journal so you can begin to record the following:

Friberg provided this sample of a well-balanced schedule that will help you shed pounds in a healthy manner over the next six months.


Kom told POPSUGAR that month one is all about "waking up" your muscles, especially if you weren't previously active or focused on toning your body.

"Reintroducing fitness, or at least fitness for toning into your everyday schedule, won't happen overnight, and your muscles will likely be feeling it in ways they haven't in a while, especially if you were previously just focusing on cardio," she explained.

Start out with this schedule, which will put you well on your way to having a toned body on your wedding day.

Monday: Upper-Body Focus

For guidance, use the online class 15 Minutes to Amazing Arms. [8]

Wednesday: Lower-Body and Core Focus

Friday: Full-Body Friday

Friday is the day to work out every muscle! For guided classes, visit Studio SWEAT onDemand's total-body training workouts [9].

When you introduce a change of exercise or fitness on any level, Kom emphasized that it's important to properly fuel your body.

"You'll likely need more protein and calorie intake than you previously did. Listen to your body and focus on intuitive eating; your body will be going through a change here," she told POPSUGAR. "Don't forgot to fuel yourself before your exercises too! Your blood sugar levels will be low, and you won't perform as well or have the energy to perform if you don't eat beforehand."

5 Months Out

Weight Loss

As you enter month two, Friberg said it's time to do a self-assessment about how your first month went. Have you started to see results? What is your mindset? Do you anticipate any potential roadblocks?

As engagement parties, showers, and bachelorette parties begin to fill your calendar, Friberg said it's important to mark your calendar so you have a clear idea of when and where you may need to scale back on the meal plan or increase exercise.

"If in the same month you see a few celebrations, it is good to plan ahead," she told POPSUGAR. "You can give yourself one cheat meal per week and then stay consistent with the rest of week."

As the second part of your self-assessment, ask yourself if your workout routine is challenging enough. Use a Fitbit, an Apple Watch, or your phone and make it your goal to hit at least 10,000 steps per day in addition to your workout.


In month two, Kom told POPSUGAR that it's time to add cardio to your toning routine. "Make sure you feel that heart pounding from cardio two or more days per week," she said.

If you really don't like cardio, don't despair — there are other options, and there's certainly no need to torture yourself. Kom explained that you can make strength and toning exercises your cardio thanks to supersets.

"A superset means you perform your exercises back to back without breaks," she said. "If you eliminate the breaks and just keep moving, you'll see your heart rate rise and the sweat pour, which is a clear indicator that your toning exercises are now doubling as a cardio workout, too."

Here are two superset samples that you can do with no special equipment.

Superset 1

Superset 2

4 Months Out

Weight Loss

Now that you're 60 days into your new exercise regimen, Friberg said it's time to take progressions in your workout. When lifting weights, consider increasing the weight. With your HIIT training, try taking harder variations like tuck jumps or burpees with a jump.

Although you're undoubtedly inundated with wedding planning, make sure you're staying on task with your journal, writing in your food diary, and logging your workouts.

This is also the perfect month to incorporate regeneration. "Book yourself a massage or bodywork session. You have upped your game and are training like an athlete," Friberg said. "You need to regenerate like an athlete. This is so important to maintain progress and also prevent any injuries or setbacks."


Kom told POPSUGAR that month three is the time to focus on your diet — but don't let the scale dictate your mood. "It just plays mind games with you, so set a once-per-week max on stepping on that scale," she said, noting that when you're adding muscle, you can actually gain weight.

So how exactly should you handle your diet? Kom said a cleanse or self-deprivation is definitely not the solution. "Start focusing more on what you do eat vs. what you don't," she advised. "Just make sure your diet includes two to three servings of veggies, a serving or two of fruit, plenty of lean proteins, and some brain-powering, energy-inducing carbs like steel-cut oatmeal and brown rice."

And, of course, stay on track with your workouts during month three.

3 Months Out

Weight Loss

Congratulations, you're at the halfway point! "If you notice that you are not where you want to be, it is time to locate the potential roadblocks or obstacles," Friberg said. "You still have 12 weeks and a solid amount of time."

The halfway point is the ideal time to revise your workout in order to keep things fresh.


Kom said this is the month to step up your game so you don't hit a plateau — and that means adding HIIT training to your regimen. "You can either replace your Full-Body Friday with your HIIT workout, or sub it in as one of your cardio days," she told POPSUGAR.

Kom recommended a Tabata-style HIIT workout:

As you step up your game, don't forget to drink plenty of water. "Staying hydrated is so key to your overall health," Kom said. "From a bride's perspective, you just need to know that drinking water promotes weight loss, makes your skin look supple and sweet, and it gives you plenty of energy for those killer workouts you're gonna be getting in!"

2 Months Out

Weight Loss

With your wedding just two months away, Friberg said it's common for stress to increase. This month's focus should be on your health and to not let all the wedding details consume you.

"Eliminate the distractions that are not serving you; say 'no' to the extra things right now," she suggested. "Make a list of three things that you can outsource or delegate so that you can stay on your routine and decrease any stress."

With eight weeks left, this is the time to stay the course with your workouts. If they've gotten too easy, Friberg suggested adding weight, progressions, and time. "Take classes or hire a trainer if you haven't already," she said. "Make keeping the routine as easy as possible on yourself during this time."


Kom said that now is the time to begin doing a "double" (two workouts in one day) once a week. Don't worry — they can be short workouts.

She suggested the following splits as you embark on this challenging endeavor:

1 Month Out

Weight Loss

It's officially the homestretch. You're making final adjustments to your wedding dress, and the big day is in sight. Friberg recommended journaling before bedtime to help with sleep and to keep your evening rituals that you established in month one.

"Tweak your workout plan to include more yoga and Pilates," she said. "This will help with posture and alignment, strengthen the core, and help alleviate any extra stress."

For your wedding-day workout, Friberg suggested choosing your favorite. "You will feel invigorated and proud of the hard work you delivered for the big day," she said.


"Get your workout done before you put your makeup on," Kom advised. "Otherwise, there are just too many things throughout the day to get in your way. For those morning workouts, focus on toning for the homestretch."

Kom said there are four exercises you shouldn't miss during month six:

She also has a word of advice when it comes to alcohol. "Alcohol is processed in the body just like sugar, and it's one of the biggest hidden reasons for packing on the pounds," Kom told POPSUGAR. "You cannot afford that in month six. It's so not worth it! Keep it to one a day, and only a few days per week."

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