Want to Try the Whole30 Diet? Here's Everything You Can and Cannot Eat

28/04/2018 - 04:45 PM

With so many diets [1] out there today, it can be overwhelming choosing the right nutrition regimen for yourself. If you're not sure which one to go with, the Whole30 plan might be a good place to start since it's only a 30-day commitment. The goal of the Whole30 diet is to eliminate certain food groups that might have a negative effect [2] on your health — not just weight — from mysterious aches to chronic fatigue. Then, after the 30 days are up, you'll hopefully have a better idea of which foods you should permanently cut out and which ones you can reintroduce to your diet.

Unlike many diets that focus on eating less [3], the Whole30 diet emphasizes eating healthier, which might make it the most sustainable diet yet.

What to Eat: Fruits

What to Eat: Vegetables

Pretty much any vegetable is allowed, except for corn, lima beans, peas, and other legumes.

What to Eat: Unprocessed Meat

You can have any type of unprocessed meat, but look for these labels in order to choose the healthiest options:

What to Eat: Unprocessed Seafood

You can eat any unprocessed seafood you want, but try to stick to wild-caught options. Canned tuna is also OK.

What to Eat: Eggs

Try to stick to cage-free, pastured, and organic eggs.

What to Eat: Nuts and Seeds

The Whole30 diet allows tree nuts but not peanuts because they are actually a legume. Here are all the nuts you can eat:

What to Eat: Oils and Fats

What to Consume: Black Coffee

You can have coffee as long as you don't add dairy or sugar. However, you can add coconut milk, almond milk, or milk derived from any other ingredient on the OK list.

What to Avoid: Sugar, Added Sugar, and Artificial Sugar

This one might be one of the most difficult groups to eliminate since there is added sugar in many food products, but here's what to avoid:

What to Avoid: Dairy

Sadly, you'll have to say goodbye to cheese for 30 days. Here are all the dairy products you can't eat:

What to Avoid: Legumes

Most people are not familiar with the surprising list of foods that fall under the legumes category. These include:

What to Avoid: Grains

What to Avoid: Junk Food

This one is purely psychological. Even if you make healthier versions of your favorite comfort food using Whole30-approved ingredients, the diet aims to challenge your cravings for these foods. Here are some popular foods you'll have to cut out for the month:

What to Avoid: Carrageenan, MSG, and Sulfites

Avoid any processed foods that contain these three ingredients in any form.

What to Avoid: Alcohol

It might be painful to read all the various libations you won't be able to enjoy, so just remember: no alcohol allowed.

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