Here's How to Practice Moxibustion at Home, According to an Acupuncturist

06/04/2020 - 06:00 PM

Image Source: Getty / Oliver Rossi [1]

Just because you are in a long-distance relationship with your acupuncturist doesn't mean you can't practice moxibustion at home by yourself. I've sung the praises of moxibustion [2] before, but social distancing gave me a new appreciation for the holistic treatment, thanks to how accessible it is at home.

The ancient Chinese practice utilises burning moxa (a plant derived from the Asian mugwort root) to stimulate acupuncture points and move blood and Qi, explained Aileen Moy [3], an acupuncturist and herbalist with the Yinova Centre in New York City.

Typically, I finish off an acupuncture [4] or cupping session with five minutes of moxibustion, which leaves me floating out of the office free of anxiety — my mind and body quiet and rested.

"While moxa can be used for many conditions (circulation [6], low energy, menstruation, arthritis, digestive issues, aches, and pains, for example), it may not be appropriate for everyone. Find out from a licenced practitioner if this is the right modality for your condition," Moy said.

It's important to note that moxa comes in many forms, and your specialist should advise the type and brand you use, too. Moy warned against ordering off of Amazon, "as the quality of the herb is not always consistent." The Yinova Centre offers Longevity Moxa Sticks [7] ($5 for two).

In my case at home, Moy suggested burning moxa poles (which resemble incense) as opposed to our in-office stick-on moxa (think tiny candles attached to the skin) sessions. If your specialist approves this method for you, too, feel free to follow along with Moy's instructions below — then, reflect and take time to just chill [8]. If you haven't talked to a licenced practitioner or your doctor, do not perform moxibustion at home.

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