Yes, You Can Still Catch COVID-19 in Small Gatherings — Here's How to Protect Yourself

15/10/2020 - 06:39 PM

We know the more people come together during COVID-19, especially indoors without proper social distancing [1] and safety protocols, the greater the risk for COVID-19 transmission. But during a call with governors on Oct. 13, CDC Director Robert Redfield, MD, voiced concern about small gatherings as well, given that cases and hospitalizations are still on the rise nationwide. To put things into perspective, The New York Times reports that there has been a 23 percent increase in average cases per day [2] in the past week.

"What we're seeing as the increasing threat right now is actually acquisition of infection through small household gatherings [3]," Dr. Redfield said, according to CNN. "Particularly with Thanksgiving coming up, we think it's really important to stress the vigilance of these continued mitigation steps in the household setting." Two public health experts gave their own opinions on the risk of small gatherings — here's what they had to say. Spoiler alert: they agreed with Dr. Redfield.

Are Small Gatherings Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Anna Bershteyn, PhD, assistant professor of Population Health at NYU Langone, told POPSUGAR, "Household gatherings can create a big temptation to bend the rules in order to feel more normal and friendly, but they are also where the stakes are highest for us because we wouldn't want to risk putting our loved ones in harm's way." She explained that though it's reasonable to guess that household gatherings will become a growing source of transmission as the holidays approach, the truth is "for most COVID-19 cases, we never find out exactly where the transmission happened." She reiterated that transmission can happen anywhere people gather and especially without masks, good ventilation, and social distancing.

"You have very little control over the risk in an indoor environment unless you require everyone to wear masks all the time, which is not possible when eating or drinking," Dean Winslow, MD, an infectious-disease doctor at Stanford Health Care, told POPSUGAR. "Understand that you're assuming a fair degree of risk unless you can gather outdoors and maintain reasonable social distance."

Should I Go to Small Gatherings During COVID-19?

Dr. Bershteyn suggests that you only have small gatherings like holiday dinners with your household members and said you can invite your pod (aka people who follow strict safety guidelines while in public and who then socialise together in person [5]), as long as nobody is sick or has had close contact with people outside the pod. "If you're inviting anyone else, you'll need to be outdoors or have lots of open windows, maintain social distancing — think separate tables for each pod at least six feet apart — and keep masks on when you're not sitting down to eat," she said.

Dr. Bershteyn added that virtual dinners might be your best bet for seeing loved ones, but outdoor gatherings with masks, hand hygiene, and at least six feet between different households is an option if safety measures are followed. She also noted that it's great to request that people get tested before coming together, but "the safety that you get from having people test before visiting has a very short shelf life. To really bring down your risk, you would need people to test that same day or the day before, but often you can't even get a test result back in such a short time."

Dr. Winslow did say that false negative tests [6] can occur, "but testing everyone prior to a prolonged visit would reduce the risk." You can check out the CDC's suggestions for Thanksgiving here [7].

A Small-Gathering Checklist If People Are Coming Over to Your House During COVID-19

Dr. Bershteyn laid out some suggestions for what to do when people are coming to your house in order to minimize your risk of getting COVID-19. Though we know that every situation is different, keep these in mind:

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