Trainers Want You to Start Doing These 12 Exercises to Strengthen and Stabilise Your Core

07/10/2019 - 11:53 PM

Fitness professionals have varying opinions on how individuals should train for optimal health, but one thing they all agree on is the importance of a strong core. You've probably seen that phrase floating around on Instagram or heard your favourite instructor yell it out as you hold a plank for what seems like eternity, but you may not know exactly what having a strong core means.

Your core is like the roots of your favourite plant. Strong and sturdy roots keep the plant stable and support the weight of the plant as it grows. The same can be said for your core, which is often considered the source, or root, of all movement. Every time you bend down to pick something up off the ground, reach for something in the back seat of your car, or lift something over head, your core is working.

"The well-trained core is essential for optimal performance and injury prevention [1]," Stuart McGill, PhD, explained in a 2010 review in the Strength and Conditioning Journal. No matter your fitness goals, having a strong and stable core is essential. To help you strengthen your abs, POPSUGAR tapped personal trainers and physical therapists for their go-to strengthening and stabilizing exercises. Check them out ahead.

Bear Hold

I'm a NASM-certfied trainer and one of my favourite moves for core stability and strength is the bear hold. It looks easy, but it's challenging to hold your body up without losing proper form. This exercise targets your transversus abdominis muscles [3] (your deep core muscles that stabilise your spine and pelvis) and your internal obliques (your obliques help with side flexion and rotation). This move is great for lower-ab strength and will help stabilise your lumbar spine (the lower part of your back), pelvis, and hips.

Elbow Plank

Kira Stokes, a NASM-certified trainer and creator of the Get Fit with Kira Stokes app [4], recommends doing planks to improve your core strength and stability.

Pallof Press

"Core exercises should be at the foundation of any training program," Tim Hampton, CSCS, an ACE-certified trainer at Elevate Health and Performance [5] said. Tim likes the Pallof press because it works the deep core stabilizing muscles as well as your lateral core (these exercises help you resist lateral flexion/falling over) and anterior core (these exercise teach you how to resit too much arching of the lumbar spine).

Dead Bug

"The more stable the core is, the more support it is able to provide the arms and legs during exercise," Alina Kennedy, CSCS, a physical therapist, and owner of Sprint Rehab [6] told POPSUGAR. To improve your core strength and stability, she said to perform exercises like the dead bug that force you to hold your trunk (aka your torso) still as your arms and legs move.

Elbow Plank With Leg Lift

Another plank variation you should try once you've perfected the traditional plank is a plank with a leg lift. According to Tim, the elbow plank with leg lift reduces the stability, which means your core strength is really going to have to kick in. When performing this exercise, be sure to maintain pelvis and abdominal control, meaning don't let your hips shift or your trunk lower to the ground.

Glute Bridge

Another exercises Kira likes for core stability is the glute bridge. "Remember, you want to lift to a glute-engaged position, not a hyperextended low-back position," Kira said. Be sure to lift with your glutes, not your back.

Stir the Pot

If you've perfected the plank and bird dog, you may be ready to advance to harder movements like stir the pot. I really like this move because it forces you to maintain a braced core, like in a plank, as you simultaneously resist excessive arching of the lumbar spine.

Bird Dog

Another exercise you can add to your workouts for a stronger core is the bird dog, according to Kira. "It's important to squeeze the glute of the extended leg while holding this position," she explained.

Plank With Knee Tap

If you're ready to upgrade from the plank, the plank with knee tap variation will ignite your core. This move is more challenging than your standard plank because you have to keep your pelvis and hips in a neutral position as you lower each knee to the ground.

Side Bridge

Another movement I like for core stability and strength is the side bridge (or the side plank for those who are more advanced).

Farmer's Carry

Another move I think is great for core stability is the farmer's carry. The point of this movement is to maintain an upright posture as you resist the weight of the dumbbells.

Side Plank

If you've mastered the side bridge, continue to challenge your stability and strength with the side plank.

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