These 12 Yoga Poses For Stress Relief Provide Instant Calm

30/10/2020 - 05:33 PM

It's not always easy to get into a yoga flow when you're feeling stressed [1]. In fact, if you're overwhelmed and anxious [2], it might be the last thing you want to do. But if there's one thing we know about yoga, it's that you should never underestimate its power for relieving worries and creating calm [3]. That's where these 12 yoga poses for stress relief come in handy. Even if you don't have the time or motivation for a full flow, hopefully you can take a few minutes to drop into a couple of these yoga poses for stress relief. If you can settle into a Child's Pose or Pigeon for just a few breaths each, it could make a world of difference. (Or, if you're stuck somewhere yoga just isn't possible, consider turning to a breath-work practice [4] instead.)

To make it even easier, we've consulted with yoga instructors to find out which yoga poses are most effective for finding calm — read ahead to get their expertise and try out these yoga poses for stress relief for yourself.

Child's Pose

Samora Suber [6], RYT 200, said Child's Pose is her favourite for stress relief. It "helps to calm your nervous system with nurturing signals of being 'safe and supported,'" she explains. The pose also stretches your legs and hips while relieving tension in your neck and head, Suber adds.

Cat Cow Pose

This simple pose "helps to create an opening of the spine," yoga instructor Maya Breuer [7], E-RYT 500, vice president of cross-cultural advancement at Yoga Alliance, says. "This movement of the spine removes blockages and strengthens the arms, shoulders, and neck."

Warrior 2

"I love the inner strength and confidence that this pose cultivates, along with the humility and willingness it signifies," yoga therapist and instructor Huma Gruaz [8], RYT 500, says. "It helps cultivate stillness in my mind and body while improving my stamina, endurance, balance, and concentration."

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Gruaz says this is the perfect yoga pose for stress relief that you can shift into after Warrior 2. Wide-Legged Forward Bend "relieves tension from our lower back as well as our cervical spine and our neck, while gently reversing the blood flow in our upper torso and brain," she says. The pose is an inversion that "promotes grounding while releasing stress."

Tree Pose

"Tree Pose is a pose of balance that requires focus and brings awareness into the present moment," says Pilin Anice [10], RYT 500, a yoga instructor who teaches virtual classes with Ailey Extension [11] and

Mirror [12]. "The attention this pose requires anchors the mind to present and slows down racing thoughts while cultivating feelings of calm, grounding, and stability in the body."

Standing Forward Fold

Standing Forward Fold relieves stress and tension in the spine, Suber says. "Anytime you allow your head to hang below your heart, you get quick calming benefits to ease tightness and anxiety."

Happy Baby

"This pose is great for opening your hips and breathing deeply," Zac Armstrong [13], E-RYT 500, NASM-certified personal trainer and master trainer for YogaSix [14], says.


"This pose gives your hips an opportunity to really open up and sink into the floor," Armstrong said of Pigeon Pose. Madeline Sperber, RYT 200, yoga instructor and fitness director at the Seagate Fitness Club [15], added that this pose is beneficial for stress release because it calms your nervous system "while also working to loosen the low back, hips, and glutes."

Lying Spinal Twist

This soothing pose will open up and stretch your back muscles while lengthening the spine and promoting relaxation, Breuer says.

Legs Up the Wall

Legs Up the Wall [16] is a good stress-relieving yoga pose to end your day with, says yoga instructor Vivian Doan [17], RYT 200, creator of ScolioFitness. "It's a refreshing pose that promotes healthy circulation, provides pain relief, lowers stress and anxiety, and stretches your legs, hips, and back."


This "crowd favourite" pose "allows you to lay still and focus on your breath," Armstrong says. "For this pose, all you have to do is lay on your back and place both hands down at your sides, with palms facing up. As you breathe deeply, your chest will open up and your mind will find calm."

Reclining Butterfly Pose

This gentle pose "offers firm support for the spine while gently stretching and opening the front of the body along with both legs and hips," yoga instructor Sherrell Moore-Tucker [18], RYT 200, says. She adds that Reclining Butterfly is a great way for beginners to find relief from stress, both physical and mental.

If you have a bolster or a supportive pillow, bring it out for this pose.

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