Cheer's Jerry Harris Will Hype You Up With Mat Talk During This 20-Minute Virtual Workout

If you're relying on virtual workout videos [1] while staying at home, please allow me to add one more to your queue — it's full of motivational mat talk. Jerry Harris from Netflix's Cheer [2] recently teamed up with Planet Fitness to bring a 20-minute workout to Facebook fans, and it's exactly as energetic as you might imagine.

As a competitive cheerleader, Jerry has been through his fair share of demanding practices and he knows exactly what to say to stay positive. He's famous for his spirited dialogue [3] with his Navarro teammates, and his enthusiasm translates perfectly to instructor-mode. Jump into the workout above (you don't need any equipment!) to train like Jerry, with lunges, butt-kickers, crunches, and more.

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