Burn Calories and Get 3,000 Steps With This Fun Christmas At-Home Walking Workout

If the weather outside is frightful, you can still get your steps in [1], burn some calories, and boost your mood, all in the comfort of your own home. YMCA-certified personal trainer Rick Bhullar [2], who lives in Dubai, shared this fun Christmas-themed indoor walking workout video to help you get some movement in less than 30 minutes. We know the holiday season tends to involve a lot of eating, drinking, and lying around — no shame in that! But if you are feeling sluggish and move your body, this video is the perfect place to start.

And you won't just walk in place; you'll mix it up with some fun side steps, cross steps, and box steps so this walking workout feels more like dancing [3]. So clear some space, turn up the volume, and get ready to rock out to some of your favourite upbeat contemporary Christmas songs from Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande [4], Kelly Clarkson [5], and, of course, Mariah Carey [6].

Love trying new workouts? Want a community to share your fitness goals with? Come join our Facebook group POPSUGAR Workout Club [8]. There, you can find advice on making the best out of every sweat session and everything else you need to help you on your road to healthy living.

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