If Planks Bother Your Wrists, Try This Trainer-Approved Ab Move Instead

06/08/2020 - 11:25 AM

Two young fitness woman athletes doing a dead bug exercise on a foam roller, to work on their core muscles and stability.
Due to extra tender pain in my thumbs and wrists, I've recently had to give a hard pass to planks. Temporarily taking this move out of rotation didn't seem like that big of a deal — until I realised how plank-dominated all of my core workouts really are.

Outside of my specific situation, wrist and hand pain during planks is actually a thing — and sometimes, it signals that your form needs some tweaking [Array]. Other times, especially if you're experiencing discomfort, you might just need a break or to consult with a physical therapist or a doctor.

If you are looking for a solid plank swap, try this suggestion from Kate Lemere [Array], an NCSF-certified personal trainer and Chicago-based Barry's [1] instructor.

According to Lemere, "there is no better abdominal drill than the dead bug [Array] or any of its variations below."

Instead of flexion at the core or neck, Lemere says you're using your own resistance to engage the core. This "mitigates the poor form that's often associated with planks or any other kind of crunch," Lemere continues — hence why Lemere thinks dead bugs are such a great exercise.

Lemere recommends the three dead bug variations below. "Regardless of the variation, your pelvis must be in a posterior tilt, your back must be flat, core braced, and little to no rib flare."
When doing any of the variations, Lemere suggests performing three sets of 10-12 reps, and pairing the exercise with a full-body workout. "It's a nice way to finish because the localised heat/burn in the core sets in right away and packs a punch!"

Modified Dead Bug

Progressed Dead Bug

Narrow Dead Bug

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