This De-Stressing Yoga Sequence Will Make You Feel Calmer and Lighter in Just 10 Minutes

27/12/2019 - 08:05 PM

Close your eyes, take a long deep breath, and slowly exhale. Feel a little better? Good. Now keep that feeling going for 10 minutes while you move through this calming yoga sequence. It'll give you a much-needed break from any stress you may be experiencing, and taking a few minutes for self-care [1] can help you feel recharged and better able to face any other stress life may throw your way with more patience, positivity, and love.

Cat Cow

Relaxed Down Dog

Low Crescent Lunge

Open Revolved Extended Side Angle

Lifted Head to Knee

Cobra Pose

Wide Child's Pose

Butterfly Pose

Seated Straddle

Double Pigeon

Seated Spinal Twist

Half Wheel

Figure Four

Happy Baby

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