I Tried the Flex Cup Menstrual Cup — the Unique Pull Tab Makes It as Easy as Using a Tampon

31/12/2020 - 08:15 PM

I'm trying to do Mother Nature a solid when I have my period by using reusable period underwear, menstrual cups [1], and menstrual discs [2]. All of the menstrual cups I've tried are pretty much the same, but when Flex Cup [3] ($35) sent me one to try, I noticed it had two features that made it totally different. Keep reading to find out what they were and why those two unique features are the reason my period was the easiest it's been in years. This is hands down the best menstrual cup I've ever used!

What Makes the Flex Cup Different (and Amazing)?

The two unique features of the Flex Cup are:

  1. The silicone cord (pull tab) is attached to the top rim of the cup, and it goes all the way through a hole at the bottom of the cup.
  2. The loop-style pull tab

These two features work together to make removal the easiest I've ever experienced when using a menstrual cup, similar to how easy tampon removal is. The loop-style tab is easy to hold without your fingers slipping off when you're pulling down. And since the tab is attached to the top rim of the cup, as you pull down, it pulls the cup away from your vaginal wall, which breaks the suction seal. So the cup just slides out without feeling any intense pulling pressure and without the fear that all of a sudden the cup will just pop out of you and spill everywhere (been there!). These two features make this menstrual cup my favourite!

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