A Personal Trainer’s Guide to Doing Crunches Without Neck Pain

20/04/2020 - 01:20 PM

Raise your hand if the last time you were taught to do a proper crunch [1] was during your elementary school gym class.

If that's left you under the impression that crunches and neck pain [2] go hand in hand, you're long overdue for a refresher on proper form.

The truth is, the pain you're experiencing boils down to poor alignment and excess tension, Eric Coles, an ACE-certified personal trainer with Orangetheory Fitness [3] and Swerve [4], explains.

Practice a crunch as you usually would. Have you conditioned your head to extend forward? Is your chin forced down into your chest?

If the answers are yes, chances are you're straining the muscles in your neck and upper back, also known as the musculature of your cervical spine, Coles says.

Tense traps and shoulders are common sources of crunch-induced neck stress, too.

Now that we've gotten to the root of the problem, let's talk about good crunch technique.

Don't overthink your movements — Coles's rule of thumb is to establish a slow and deliberate execution. "Essentially, don't get on to the floor and try to crunch as fast as you can. You want to fight for quality over quantity," he stresses.

To ensure you've got the hang of things, follow along as Coles walks us through a crunch ahead.

If you're rolling your eyes over relearning such a staple ab exercise [5], remember that this technique can be a one-size-fits-all approach to crunch variations and other core-strengthening activities, too. Even if you have to make slight modifications (like when performing spinal rotations), you should always initiate movement from the core and keep excessive tension out of the body.

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