The 4 Best Moves to Improve Your Flexibility at Home, According to a Trainer

01/07/2020 - 12:33 AM

Exercise does a body good, but if you don't stretch properly, it can leave you feeling sore. Tight hips or hamstrings, back pain, or an achy chest and shoulders aren't just problematic for future workouts, they can make everyday movements like sitting in a desk chair downright uncomfortable. And if not fixed, over time this can limit your range of motion, leaving you prone to doing your workouts with poor form and possibly injuring yourself.

Keep your joints healthy [1] with these four flexibility exercises from Holly Roser, NASM-certified personal trainer and owner of Holly Roser Fitness [2] in San Matteo, CA. Each move targets a typical tight zone, helping to keep muscles loose [3] and relieve any tension throughout the body. The only equipment you need is a mat, making this routine one you can easily do first thing in the morning or before bed.

Low Lunge

This exercise relieves tension in the hip flexors and can decrease lower back pain [4].

Trunk Twist

Targeting your back and hips, this move is great for pain caused by a weak core [6] or tight muscles as a result of too much sitting or running without proper stretching.

Hamstring Stretch

"Tight hamstrings [7] can hinder your performance in any activity," Roser told POPSUGAR. "Best practice is to stretch your hamstrings when they are warm, such as post-workout or after you've been moving around for a while. Stretching muscles when they're cold increases your risk for injury."

Chest Stretch

If you suffer from limited range of motion in your chest and shoulders, this stretch can open them up, correcting tension that often leaves you leaning forward while lifting weights or running. Try this stretch on the floor, or standing in a doorframe.

Doorframe Chest Stretch

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