I Tried a Supermodel's 5-Minute Butt Workout, and My Glutes Were Working From Start to End

I've never met a celebrity workout [1] I didn't immediately want to try, and it's especially tempting when the routine targets my glutes, takes five minutes, and doesn't require a single piece of equipment, like the butt workout supermodel Kelly Gale posted today. I've tried Gale's ab workouts in the past and they have definitely worked [2], so as soon as I saw this one hit my YouTube subscriptions, I grabbed my mat and got ready to try.

Gale describes this as a beginner workout because it's so quick and comprised of foundational, bodyweight moves. You do each exercise for about 30 seconds, and the exercises are:

Sure, this workout only lasts five minutes, but my glutes and quads were still trembling by the end, especially during the looong glute bridge section. One round is a great way to fire up and engage your glutes, and if you want an extra challenge, you could add a second or third round to really work your butt. We also have to give a quick shoutout to Gale's dog, Zoe, who decided to do the hip thrust section along with us. Lay out a mat or find some comfy ground to work out on, then check out the full workout (and dog cameo) above!

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