3 Stretches You Should Always Do After a Run to Help Ease IT Band Pain

03/03/2021 - 03:37 PM

Running is a great workout, but it can also be tough on your joints, especially if you aren't diligent about warming up before a run [1] and cooling down after. In fact, if you find yourself skipping the stretches postrun, you may notice pain on the outside of your knee [2], sometimes referred to as runner's knee. This pain often stems from the iliotibial (IT) band.

"The IT band is a tissue that runs along the side of your leg," Dania Valdes, an ACE-certified personal trainer and fitness specialist at Mindbody [3], told POPSUGAR. "It links the hip joint to the knee joint and helps stabilise the knee as the gluteus maximus, a prime mover for hip extension, is engaged when running." Overtraining, not stretching properly, and even wearing the wrong type of running shoes [4] can all cause the IT band to become tight or inflamed.

Prevent the pain by doing these IT band-focussed stretches after a run to help release tension. If you want to improve or maintain flexibility, Valdes recommends doing them before your run, too.

Supine Stretch With Resistance Band

Figure-4 Stretch

Forward Bend

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