We Have a Peloton Hashtag! Join the #POPSUGARPack to Sweat With a Strong, Fun Community

23/04/2021 - 11:30 PM

Looking for a new Peloton community? We've got good news: POPSUGAR is creating a brand new Peloton hashtag, #POPSUGARPack [1], and you're officially invited to join! (PS: Shoutout to our Instagram audience and the POPSUGAR Workout Club [2] on Facebook for voting on the name.) We'll get together for workouts [3], cheer each other on, get just a little competitive, and join forces to push through the toughest rides, runs, and workout routines with our favourite instructors. If that sounds what you need, come on down and be a part of it. #POPSUGARPack is waiting for you — now let's ride!

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