This 3-Minute Ab Workout to Justin Bieber's New Song Is Oh-So "Yummy"

In case you haven't heard Justin Bieber's first single in over four years, it's pretty yummy — and I'm not just saying that because that's the title [1]. It's a delicious combo between silky tone and catchy beats that make you want to move. Sure, the lyrics (especially that "yummy-yum" chorus) don't have too much depth to them, even if they are supposedly about his wife, Hailey [2], but it's a jam that'll get stuck in your head faster than you can say "Bieber fever."

Fitness YouTuber Maddie Lymburner, who's posted workouts to songs like "Sucker [3]" and "Old Town Road [4]" before, published a bodyweight ab routine set to "Yummy" just three days after the release of the music video [5]. If you follow along, you'll be doing slow and sped-up Russian twists with your feet on the ground, single-leg seated tuck-ups [6], modified side plank crunches, bicycles, and plank jacks interspersed with mountain climbers. The no-equipment exercises are timed to the music, and you can even replay the whole thing to get a longer workout in.

Maddie clearly is a fan — you can see her singing along midcrunch — and we dare you not to do the same! If you want more Justin, Maddie also choreographed an ab routine to Ed Sheeran's "I Don't Care," on which the 25-year-old is featured. Have at it!

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