How to Cope With Your Social Anxiety During a Stressful Holiday Family Dinner

27/11/2019 - 05:15 PM

High angle view of unrecognisable people passing side dishes during Thanksgiving dinner at dining table.

Social anxiety affects everyone differently [1], but many can attest that it can make attending big family gatherings or holiday events quite difficult.

According to Dr. Jabari Jones [2], MD, psychiatrist at Family Health Centres at NYU Langone, any situation where one fears that they can be evaluated negatively by others or embarrassed in some way can be a potential trigger for social anxiety. These notions can cause an array of side effects from muscle tension, fatigue, and nausea to chest pains and sweating — just to name a few.

While we urge everyone to seek medical guidance when looking for support, we've also reached out to Dr. Claire Brandon, MD, and CEO of Whole Body Mental Health [3], who has helpfully offered up some tactics for getting through any stressful hangout [4]. Keeping Dr. Brandon's precautionary tips in your back pocket for the social gathering this holiday season may help reduce any pre-event anticipation, too.

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