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Watch Shin Solyi's Queen Floor Routine From 2021 Worlds

It's Easy (Come, Easy Go) to Enjoy This Gymnast's Bohemian Rhapsody Floor Routine at 2021 Worlds

The 2021 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships took place from Oct. 18 to Oct. 24, and it resulted in five medals for Team USA; history for countries like Ireland, the Philippines, and the United States; and statement-making moments. Korean gymnast Shin Solyi showed up to the qualifying rounds earlier in the week with a floor routine set to a "strings" version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen.

Seen above via the International Gymnastics Federation's FIG Channel, the routine features sweet — and booming — melodies we all know and love, choreography that flows along with the peaks and troughs of the orchestra, and great tumbling. She does a full-twisting double backflip in a piked position as her opening pass, a front layout to a double-twisting front layout, a roundoff to a one-and-a-half layout and a front full, and a double pike to close out the performance. She received a score of 13.1.

The 17-year-old was first reserve for the final floor competition — meaning she was on call to replace a top-eight gymnast who had qualified if needed — but she went through to the separate all-around final, finishing in 11th place. It is always fun to hear recognisable music on the world stage, since it's not every day that an elite gymnast has a popular song in their floor routine (NCAA gymnastics is another story). Any way the wind blows, we'd watch this again!

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