6 Therapists You Should Follow on TikTok For Those Days When You Need Some Extra Support

24/07/2020 - 10:27 PM

While TikTok is probably best known for dance challenges, workouts, and hacks of all kinds, my favourite discovery recently is the therapists who have begun creating content [1] on the app. These experts specialise in a variety of therapy techniques, and their videos range from deeper dives into conditions like anxiety and depression to advice for building your confidence and self-esteem. Although each creator has their own unique approach to mental health, they all have common goals: making you feel validated and helping you find some peace.

Keep reading for six accounts you should follow ASAP — and remember, social media is no replacement for one-on-one help from a licenced therapist [2].

Dr. Julie Smith (@drjuliesmith)

Michelle de Bruijn (@therebelliousmind)

Dr. Marquis Norton (@drnortontherapy)

Micheline Maalouf (@mashmushe)

Nadia Addesi (@evolveandbloom)

Dr. David Puder (@dr.davidpuder)

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