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Things to Do to Be Healthier Every Day

32 Ways to Feel Healthier and Happier, No Matter What the Day Brings

Things to Do to Be Healthier Every Day

Remembering to take care of yourself can often be the last thing on anyone's to-do list. Whether you've worn the same sweatpants three days in a row or can't help but get an anxious feeling whenever you go to unlock your phone, you might not be feeling yourself these days, and that's OK.

According to a recent study from the American Psychiatric Association, 36 percent of Americans believe the pandemic has taken a significant toll on their mental health, while 59 percent say that COVID-19 is affecting their daily lives. Feeling stressed and anxious is not uncommon, now more than ever, but there are ways to combat all the negativity. If you're not feeling like your healthiest, happiest self, making big changes can feel like an intimidating challenge, but it doesn't take any drastic measures to feel better in your own skin. To work toward a happier life and establish healthier habits, these are some small things you can do that will make a real difference.

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