5 Resistance-Band Exercises That Will Tone Even the Trickiest Spots

29/05/2020 - 02:05 PM

Bodyweight exercises are great, but if you want to ramp up your strength training, it's time to start working out with a resistance band. Resistance bands are inexpensive [1], and by placing extra tension on your muscles, they help to sculpt areas that are often hard to hit, while increasing your overall strength [2].

Get started with this routine from Austin Johnson, national personal training manager for Gold's Gym [3]. You'll do 15 reps of each exercise for three rounds, with a 60-second rest in between each round. This circuit hits your triceps, biceps, legs, abs, and butt, making it a total-body toner. And while these moves are demonstrated using a resistance band with handles, any type of resistance band [4] will work.

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