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Try MadFit's "Message in a Bottle" Taylor Swift Ab Workout

This Ab Workout Is For the Swifties Who Still Aren't Over "Message in a Bottle"

I'll admit it: I haven't been able to get Taylor Swift's "Message in a Bottle" out of my head since I stumbled upon it a few days ago. (Yes, it was released last year; yes, I'm always late on these things; yes, I've accepted it at this point.) By the way, the fact that this work of art was "in the vault" for all these years is making me question so many things. What other masterpieces do you have hidden back there, Swift?

Anyway, this infectious track went straight onto my workout playlist, which is why I was so pleased to see that Maddie Lymburner, aka MadFit, used it for her newest pop-song ab workout on YouTube. I pulled out my yoga mat, hit play — and immediately started feeling the burn. This workout is a nice mixture of planks, bicycle crunches, and Russian twists, so I felt like I was hitting my core from all angles: lower abs, upper abs, and lots of obliques.

Also, not going to lie, I was surprised by how difficult this workout was. I went in thinking, "How hard can it be?" The song is less than four minutes long, and the tempo isn't that fast. But Lymburner kept the routine moving with quick transitions and tempo switches between fast-paced exercises and slower, drawn-out movements, so it almost felt like a mini HIIT workout. I was somehow smiling by the end, because it was so satisfying to work out to the beat of a song I really liked — but my abs were burning up. I was panting, and my heart rate got much higher than expected.

Note that Lymburner isn't a certified trainer and doesn't give instructions during this workout, so I'd recommend watching it first to make sure you're familiar with the exercises. And again, it moves quickly once you get going, so be ready for those transitions! Check out the full workout above.

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