You Just Need 2 Dumbbells and These 30 Upper-Body Exercises to Get Strong, Sculpted Arms

25/05/2020 - 11:30 AM

Bodyweight moves like push-ups and planks will definitely make you stronger, but if you want to up the ante, you need to add weights to your strength-training workouts [1]. We've compiled the most effective upper body dumbbell exercises all in one place. Choose four to six moves to create your own workout or follow along to these video workouts [2]. Once you get the form down, don't be afraid to go for heavy dumbbells. After just a few weeks, you'll notice a difference in how strong your arms feel and how strong they look!

Bicep Curl

Wide Bicep Curl

Overhead Triceps Extension

Upright Row

Overhead Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Thruster

Single Arm Overhead Squat

Bicep Curl and Overhead Press

Man-Maker Burpee

Squat and Press

Burpee Squat Press

Bent-Over Row

Triceps Kickback

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Single-Leg Scarecrow

Lateral Arm Raise

Pilates Boxer

Plank Dumbbell Row

Plank and Straight-Arm Kickback

Side Plank With Weight

Push-Up and Rotate

Dumbbell Bench Press

Single-Arm Chest Press

Skull Crusher

Bridge With Chest Press

Lying Chest Fly

Lying Overhead Reach

V-Sit With Single-Arm Chest Fly

Right-Angle Bicep Curl

Bicep and Deltoid Squeeze

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