Did you See Team USA Women's Gymnastics Leotards? You Can Buy Official Replicas For $90!

22/07/2021 - 06:45 PM

Part of the excitement of watching the Olympics [1] is seeing the gorgeous gymnastics uniforms! If you practice gymnastics yourself, or you're just Simone Biles [2]'s biggest fan, you can buy official replica leotards [3] inspired by the Games. So far there are just two worn during podium training, but there should be nine total — eight women's and one men's leotard. Ahead, check out what the US Women's Gymnastics team has been sporting so far for the Tokyo Olympics [4].

2021 Tokyo US Women's Gymnastics Team Replica Black Leotard Worn During Podium Training

Here you can see the front of the black leotard worn by Team USA at the Tokyo Olympics during podium training. The GK version [6] ($90) inspired by it is sleeveless and just as bold, beautiful, and sparkly.

2021 Tokyo US Women's Gymnastics Team Black Leotard Worn During Podium Training

Here's a side-view of the back details on the black leotard while Team USA member Sunisa Lee [7] balances on beam.

2021 Tokyo US Women's Gymnastics Team Replica Lavender Leotard Worn During Podium Training

This isn't your typical red, white, and blue USA colour scheme! This stunning replica leotard [8] ($90) is in a shade called lavender ice mystique. It's gorgeously dazzling, sleeveless, and has a beautiful line design on the back.

2021 Tokyo US Women's Gymnastics Team Lavender Leotard Worn During Podium Training

This mid-air photo of Jade Carey [9] wearing the lavender leotard, gives us a great view of the details on the back.

2021 Tokyo US Women's Gymnastics Team Leotard Worn During Podium Training

Here's all of the US Women's gymnastics [10] team wearing the black and lavender leotards.

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