I Finally Started Using Yoga Blocks and My Flexibility Is Actually Improving

22/06/2020 - 09:30 PM

Photo taken in Izmir, Turkey
I used to resist my need for blocks in yoga classes. Even though all of my instructors encouraged the use of props, I couldn't help but feel weak compared to those doing Standing Split [1] without a yoga block — or any wobbling. For the record, my instructors also discouraged me from comparing my practice to someone else's, but I still struggled with it — up until recently, anyway.

A few weeks into social distancing, I decided that yoga would serve me well in a few different capacities — the practice would help me stay present, lower my stress levels, and give me an opportunity to gently move my body in exercise. After just one virtual class, I realised that if I wanted to practice poses like Half Moon or Warrior 3 [2] and truly improve my flexibility and balance, I was going to need to listen to my instructors' advice and invest in a set of blocks. So, I added two Gaiam Yoga Blocks to my shopping cart.

Whether I was taking a beginner flow or an intermediate Power Yoga, I grabbed my blocks to assist a stretch I couldn't quite reach, or to give me stability while I attempted to balance on one foot. Only two weeks into incorporating yoga blocks to my daily fitness routine, my flexibility has noticeably improved [3]. Because I'm able to anchor my hands into the blocks, I can lift my leg higher into the air during Half Moon. Touching the floor in poses like Forward Fold even feels easier.

After chatting with Tess Koenig [4], a yoga instructor based in New York City, I learned that my former feelings regarding yoga blocks are actually quite common. "Yoga blocks are often seen as a source of weakness, when in reality these props are absolutely there to help you into all types and levels of postures, whether you're a beginner or an advanced yogi," she told me. "Blocks serve many uses in our yoga practice, but the most common benefits I see are allowing students to execute the fullest expression of a pose and making full extension of the leg possible."

One day, I hope to master a prop-less Standing Split — and I know that regular practice with my new yoga blocks will help me get there.

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