What Is Compassion Fatigue, and How Can You Avoid It?

11/04/2022 - 09:50 PM

Woman holding hand compassionately with someone else

Truly caring for or about someone can be exhausting — hence the term compassion fatigue. The phrase was first coined in 1992 by a nurse, Carla Joinson, to describe the physical, emotional, and psychological experience of professional healthcare workers, per the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [1]. Headaches, mood swings, irritability, dread of going to work, and lack of joy in life are all listed side effects and behaviours of compassion fatigue.

In more recent times, though, the term has been used to describe the feeling of when we empathetically pour so much energy into the needs of others, we no longer have any space for ourselves. With a 24-hour news cycle, the demands of one's career, and the desire to be a compassionate member of society, that level of empathy and desire to help can leave you feeling depleted at times. If you can relate, you've probably experienced compassion fatigue.

What Is Compassion Fatigue?

Compassion fatigue is no longer limited to those in the healthcare field. "It could be in any area of your life where you're just overpouring your cup full of empathy," California-based licenced psychotherapist Natalie Jones, PsyD [3], explains. "That could be in your job, that could be in the news, that could be to friends or family that need your support." Overexerting yourself like this (e.g., via doomscrolling [4], consistently supporting a loved one, or constantly taking on the workload of others) leaves you feeling "beyond burned out," Dr. Jones says. You become consumed with the trauma and stress of others and, in turn, experience more stress. Moreover, "it leads to to a life where you're not showing up and being fully present for yourself." And the worst part is that it could eventually leave you feeling numb and not wanting to care at all anymore.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue?

"There's an impact of showing up physically, emotionally, and psychologically for others," Dr. Jones says. Symptoms of compassion fatigue can play out in many ways, impacting the mind, body, and spirit. Here's a list of symptoms Dr. Jones says to watch out for in your daily life.

What About Compassion Fatigue vs. Burnout?

Both compassion fatigue and burnout involve a deep level of exhaustion. But burnout is specifically marked by emotional exhaustion and withdrawal and is not trauma related, according to the American Institute of Stress (AIS) [6]. Compassion fatigue, however, can involve secondary trauma [7] and is also defined as "the emotional residue or strain of exposure to working with those suffering from the consequences of traumatic events," per the AIS. Secondary trauma can also occur outside of the workplace. It can come from the content you consume and the people you're surrounded by. The AIS also notes that while compassion fatigue and burnout are different, the two can coexist.

How Do You Combat Compassion Fatigue?

"The best way to combat [compassion fatigue] is to be mindful about your own energy and your own space and be intentional about protecting it," Dr. Jones says. The key is to set boundaries — with yourself, friends and family, your job, and social media. Here's what Dr. Jones recommends.

Ultimately, compassion fatigue is something that most people will experience, she says. But "you have to remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup. You've got to take care of yourself before you can show up for anybody else."

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