Prebiotics Are Essential For a Healthy Gut and Immune System — Here's Where to Get Them

01/02/2020 - 03:03 AM

Probiotics [1] are being added to so many foods that it's simpler than ever to sneak them into your diet — and that's a good thing, since probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kombucha [2], and yoghurt contain healthy, live bacteria that can help boost your immune system, protect your gut, and more. But what few people realise is that, just like any other living organism, the probiotics you're eating or drinking every day need to be fed in order to thrive. If they don't get enough fuel, they won't be able to do their essential work. Enter: prebiotics.

Prebiotics are the fuel that feeds and nourishes probiotics. Since prebiotics and probiotics sound so similar, many may confuse the two [3] or assume the terms are interchangeable. Just remember that prebiotics feed probiotics. So, if you're spending a good chunk of your paycheck on good-for-you foods and probiotic supplements, you should do the same with prebiotic-rich foods that help ensure that your gut is continuing to be colonized with the bacteria you want in there (and not colonized by bad bacteria like E. coli).

How do you make sure you're getting enough prebiotics to support those probiotics? Make it a point to add the following foods to your grocery cart:

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