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Best Baking Instagram Accounts to Follow

These 20 Baking Instagram Accounts Will Have You Digging Out Your Cookie Sheets

There's plenty of baking inspiration to be found on Instagram, from at-home bakers with homey setups to professional brands showing off their treats for sale. For most of us, though, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by these gorgeous photos or feel like we could never bake like that. But there's good news: plenty of these accounts are designed so that you can learn to make the drool-worthy goodies yourself — and maybe pick up some new skills in the process.

We've rounded up 20 of our favourite baking accounts, from high-profile food bloggers to hidden gems. Plus, several of them are dedicated to baking in ways that are inclusive to Paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, and other specific diets. So dig out your pans and aprons, click through, and discover your new favourite Instagrammers!

The official Instagram page for Bake From Scratch magazine includes a wide variety of beautiful baking photos, complete with links to recipes. It's a classic-style feed, but it does it very, very well.

Instead of featuring recipes from a single baker or company, The Feed Feed is the ultimate crowd-sourced curated account. The curators pull the most gorgeous food photography from an array of amazing bakers, all linked back to the original sources so you can discover more great accounts!

The popular Instagram account includes beautiful photos and plenty of recipes. It's a hub of variety and recipes that typically aren't overly challenging, so it's a great place for newbies and veteran bakers alike.

If you're tired of seeing the same old brownies and sugar cookies on your feed, this smaller account is a hidden gem for you. Run by an Italian couple, the account focuses on traditional European recipes and emphasises heritage and the joys of family recipes.

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The UK-based food blogger has a gorgeously photographed account, but with a twist. All her recipes are vegan, from chocolate-chip banana bread to lemon cake to decadent chocolate cookies. It's the perfect mix of indulgence and healthy choices.

As the name suggests, this isn't a low-cal account, but it's a delicious one! The feed is bright and beautiful to look at, and the recipes combine classic flavours in yummy ways.

Baking doesn't have to be at odds with your dietary requirements! This feed focuses on recipes that are every bit as flavourful and decadent, but they're often paleo- and keto-friendly. Plus, the feed also includes nonbaking recipes for a complete meal.

From berries to chocolate and more, this feed has everything you could ask for in a baking Instagram. There's a wide variety of flavours, plus an array of posts every day.

Jenn Davis's Instagram is full of beautiful food photography and a blend of familiar favourites (like chocolate chip cookie varieties) with unusual recipes (leopard milk bread, anyone?).

Posting one new recipe every day, the Alabama-based baker has something for every taste. Her recipes are a little more challenging than a pour-and-mix recipe, but they're still perfect for home bakers looking to just elevate things a little.

If you've always wanted to bake from scratch but think it's intimidating, this account might just change your mind. Laura's recipes are sometimes airy and sometimes decadent, but they're always homemade and designed so that you can make them, too!

It's right there in her bio: "pie for breakfast enthusiast" and "carbs (heart emoji)." While this is more of an indulgent feed, there's no arguing with the pitch-perfect photography and ooey gooey desserts.

The Food Network host and food blogger shares tons of cute, yummy dishes that are just right for the home baker to try for themselves. Plus, Yeh's cheerful personality and genuine love for food shines through in every post.

For chocolate lovers, you can't beat this feed, which is chock-full of all sorts of decadent chocolate desserts. But that's not all that's there: there are plenty of other recipes, all with easy-to-follow steps that look as good as they taste.

Mansfield's Instagram focuses on healthier alternatives to your sweet faves. Most of her recipes are gluten-free and vegan. Even better: she posts a lot of recipes that have short ingredient lists, making it easier to bake (and easier on your wallet).

Like the title suggests, this is a baking feed with a paleo twist. The account specialises in sweet, tasty treats that all stick to the paleo diet and use natural ingredients.

The Arizona-based baker has a feed full of gooey goodness. Plus, her Instagram how-to stories often include fun, interesting facts about the science behind baking!

For a more minimalist baking feed, Oh Sweet Day is the perfect fit. There's no clutter or props, just beautiful pics of desserts that make you wish you could reach through your screen to grab one.

Baking without dairy and refined sugars can be a challenge, but Rachel Conners is more than up to it. Her Instagram is packed with amazing recipes that are usually free of dairy, gluten, and refined sugars.

For some good old-fashioned baking, look no further than this Instagram baker! She's got great new takes on classics like chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter pie, plus some creative new recipes to try for yourself.

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