We Will Not Judge You If You Dream About Disneyland's Hot Chocolate Beignets

11/11/2019 - 10:05 PM

The holiday treats at Disneyland [1] and Disney World are adorable and delicious every year, but we've found one that's sure to be the standout among the rest — hot chocolate beignets! The same classic beignets you're familiar with from the Mint Julep Bar got a holiday twist and can be found at Cafe Orleans in New Orleans Square in Disneyland. The dish comes with three Mickey-shaped beignets [2] covered in chocolate powder, warm hot chocolate sauce to drizzle over the top, and marshmallow whipped cream. These beignets [3], which cost $10, are worth the time to sit at the table service restaurant for a while so you can savor every last bite of warm and chocolatey goodness. Keep reading to to see even more drool-worthy photos of the dessert!

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