Welcome, Foolish Mortals, to Needing These Disney Haunted Mansion Salt and Pepper Shakers

06/08/2020 - 04:05 PM

Prepare to season your meals in haunted delight! Disney has released a Haunted Mansion Tombstone Salt and Pepper Set [1] ($20), and it's sure to liven up your next culinary experience. While you probably won't be eating serpents or spiders or tails of rats (thank goodness!), dashing your food with salt and pepper in ghostly flair will certainly call in your home's spooky guests. But don't worry: Madame Leota (the salt shaker headstone) will do her best to ward them off, since she enjoys still having a ball. However, we can't say the same for Master Gracey (the pepper headstone), who has been laid to rest and wants to stay that way.

While we love the looks of these scary tombstone shakers, we especially love that they're useful. Place them on your dining table at dusk, when the air is deathly still and all you need is candlelight, to get the best experience. Or better yet, gift them to a friend who loves the Haunted Mansion ride. Either way, they'll spark up a fun conversation for those who use them. Just make sure to grab a set while you can, as they're already selling out! If they're unavailable when you go to purchase, just check back for when they get more in stock, or add them to your wish list if you dare.

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