These Halloween Skeleton Dogs Are Experts at the Whole "Sit" and "Stay" Thing

11/10/2021 - 05:55 PM

If Tim Burton's classic Halloween movies [1] like The Nightmare Before Christmas [2] and Corpse Bride have taught me anything, it's that every humble abode is made infinitely better with the addition of a cute canine, even in the afterlife. And, though I thankfully haven't met my ghostly Zero [3] just yet, these cute (and perhaps slightly intimidating) Halloween [4] skeleton dogs are a good substitute for now.

After picking out a spooky new pup (or two, or three...you know how it goes with dogs), the only thing left to do is to name your new skeletal family member. Personally, my vote always goes for "Bonez," but you do you, boo.

French Bulldog Skeleton

I never thought I'd say this, but I want nothing more than to cuddle this French Bulldog Skeleton [5] ($22) ASAP.

Crazy Bonez Pouncing Skeleton Puppy

This Crazy Bonez Pouncing Skeleton Puppy [6] ($35) is so lifelike, I can practically hear it barking for me to literally throw another bone.

Crazy Bonez Skeleton Dog Puppy

If you love a pup that's "bad to the bone," this Crazy Bonez Skeleton Dog Puppy [7] ($15) is just the Halloween [8] prop for you.

Skeleton Chihuahua Halloween Decorative Prop

Target is officially home to two adorable pups: Bullseye, the Bull Terrier store mascot, and this Skeleton Chihuahua Halloween Decorative Prop [9] ($15), whom I will be adopting immediately.

11" Pose-N-Stay Puppy Skeleton

I know he's supposed to be intimidating, but this 11" Pose-N-Stay Puppy Skeleton [10] ($31) is just too cute to be afraid of. I'll risk an imaginary bite from those jaws for a quick scratch between his tiny ears any day.

28" Animated Howling Skeleton Wolf

If canine ancestors are more your thing, set this 28" Animated Howling Wolf with LED Illuminated Eyes [11] ($80) up in your yard and watch while it howls at the moon.

Yunhany Direct Skeleton Dog Prop

There's something endearing about a pup that looks as rough as I do shortly after waking up — I mean, the dark eye circles, come on. That's why I love this 7.5" Yunhany Direct Skeleton Dog Prop [12] ($25) from Amazon, and also can't stop laughing at it.

Pre-lit 25.5" Long Skeleton Dog with Witch Hat

If the idea of a doe-eyed Dachshund trick-or-treating as a skeleton-witch is something you need to see happen immediately, do yourself a favour and invest in this Pre-lit 25.5" Long Skeleton Dog with Witch Hat [13] ($50). It's even carrying a little pumpkin bag to carry candy!

6 FT Tall Halloween Inflatable Skeleton Dog

If, like me, you saw the previous slide and thought, "what if we take the trick-or-treating Dachshund and make it an inflated balloon that is taller than all of us," then this 6 FT Tall Halloween Inflatable Skeleton Dog [14] ($40) is for you. Talk about trick-or-treat, this six-foot tall dog is no joke.

6 FT Tall Skeleton Dog Family Set

What's better than one giant inflatable dog? A family of three giant inflatable dogs, duh! And this 6 FT Tall Skeleton Dog Family Set [15] ($55) delivers just that.

GOOSH 5 FT Inflatable Standing Skeleton Dog

I'll admit, this GOOSH 5 FT Inflatable Standing Skeleton Dog [16] ($40) is one of the more unsettling pups on the market, but it is Halloween [17] after all, so bring on the spooks!

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