My Heart Was Not Ready For These Un-boo-lievably Cute Ghost Air Plant Holders on Etsy

22/10/2021 - 01:25 AM

Most Halloween decorations [1] are creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky, but these adorable Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holders on Etsy clearly missed the memo. Like the cutest replacement for bat streamers, these hanging planters, created by Tramai Ceramics [2], channel all the friendliness of Casper the ghost into mini decorations ready to greet you with their arms outspread and huge smiles on their faces.

Each ghost vase is handmade with Italian white clay and has rosy cheeks and mini vampire fangs painted on, which are more endearing than frightening. Plus, the planters come in three different sizes: small, medium, and large. So you can build a whole family of not-so-spooky spirits over the mantle, by the front door, or even in the kitchen for some company while you bake your way through all these scary-delicious Halloween [3] desserts. Oh, and before you buy, just a heads up that the little plants aren't included, so you might want to snag a clipping from the backyard or swing by the plant section of the nearest supermarket to grab a succulent or two.

Shop the entire ghost planter family ahead, and check out more of the cutest Halloween decorations [4] available this year to make sure your home is full to the brim with Halloween [5] spirit.

Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holder on Etsy (Large)

Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holder (Large) [7] ($59)

Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holder on Etsy (Medium)

Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holder (Medium) [8] ($52)

Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holder on Etsy (Small)

Ghost Hanging Air Plant Holder (Small) [9] ($45)

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