Attention All With Fuller Busts! There is Now a Lilo Designed for Big Boobs

15/07/2022 - 11:45 AM

From A cups to L cups, all boobs are beautiful. Yet there's a reason why #bigboobproblems has racked up nearly 80k mentions on Instagram. From neck and back pain to ill-fitting bras, [1] it's not always easy to be blessed with bigger breasts. If you have an ample chest, it's likely you've felt uncomfortable when lying on your front. Couple this with sunbathing on loungers and laying on pool-floats [2] on holiday and it can result in an all-round difficult experience. However, there might just be a solution for this dilemma. Lingerie retailer Bravissimo is now selling a Lilo [3] (£28) with designated boob space so that you can relax with ease.

The genius accessory has 'cup' holders at the top end of the float which act as extra room for boobs, avoiding the inevitable discomfort of having your chest squashed when you lie down on a regular sun lounger or lilo. Life-changing, right?

Bravissimo is beloved in the big boob community — and for good reason. The brand sells lingerie in sizes D to L and swimwear [4] in a D to K cup range, making it one of the most inclusive bra brands on the market. In spring 2018 the brand posted an April Fool's announcement on social media, joking that they'd created this very lilo. The response to the prank was not at all what the brand was expecting. Instead of 'LOL's and laughing emojis, hundreds of women got in touch with Bravissimo to ask the brand to actually start producing this boob-friendly product. And so the Bravissimo lilo was born, and to this day it is providing comfort to all with large breasts.

Whether you're floating around in the pool or sea, taking a nap on the sun loungers, or catching some rays at home in your garden, this game-changing lilo could increase your comfort levels dramatically. It's time to make this float your new best friend. You can purchase the lilo online [5] or in some Bravissimo stores. Use the stock finder to see if your local store has it in stock.

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