9 Crystals From Amazon That Will Invite Happiness, Relaxation, and More Into Your Life

01/06/2018 - 11:27 PM

Many people are starting to incorporate crystals into their home decor, accessories, and self-care practices. While some like to hold them in their hands to feel the stone's benefits, others place the crystals around their meditation space for a visually calming environment.

If you're eager to start integrating some of these beautiful stones into your routine, it's important to find out which crystals are suitable [1] for your needs, hopes, and ambitions. Once you've decided what kind of energy you're craving, it's time to purchase some crystals of your very own.

We've searched Amazon for the most beautiful crystals and combinations of stones so you can start or add to your collection.

Natural Citrine Ball

Place the Natural Citrine Ball [3] ($4) on your desk to inspire optimism and warmth during your work day.

Think Positive Natural Rose Quartz Heart

Not only is the Think Positive Natural Rose Quartz Heart [4] ($15) super cute, but it's also easy to hold in your hand to relieve anxiety.

Green Flourite Crystal Stone Wand

Encourage joy to enter your life with the Green Flourite Crystal Stone Wand [5] ($10). It's also great for concentration, confidence, and decisiveness.

Sunyik Lapis Lazuli Healing Crystal

If you're indecisive, carrying around the Sunyik Lapis Lazuli Healing Crystal [6] ($13) can help you make decisions, solve problems, and practice good judgment.

Beverly Oaks Energy-Infused Tumbled Stones For Love and Healthy Relationships

Been dating some jerks lately? The Beverly Oaks Energy-Infused Tumbled Stones For Love and Healthy Relationships [7] ($9) will turn your dating life around with rose quartz for attraction, amazonite for communication, and garnet for energy and passion.

Rockcloud Amethyst Healing Crystal

The Rockcloud Amethyst Healing Crystal [8] ($10) is small enough to carry in your pocket so you can experience its calming effects all day.

Hypnotic Gems Materials Shungite Stone

Cleanse negativity from your life with the Hypnotic Gems Materials Shungite Stone [9] ($25).

Jovivi 7 Chakra Star Group Healing Crystal

If you can't decide what crystal to incorporate into your life, try the Jovivi 7 Chakra Star Group Healing Crystal [10] ($19) set. It contains a crystal for all of your chakras.

Banshren Healing Crystal Wands 3-Inch Rose Quartz Crystal Points

Keep the Banshren Healing Crystal Wands 3-Inch Rose Quartz Crystal Points [11] ($17) around to inspire love of beauty in yourself and others.

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