6 Actions You Can Take to #StopKavanaugh and Protect Women's Rights

23/08/2018 - 10:30 PM

The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court threatens to strip away the most fundamental of women's rights for generations to come. Kavanaugh is a staunch conservative [1] with a long-standing history of opposing access to birth control and abortion. The Donald Trump [2] administration's latest SCOTUS nominee made headlines during a controversial abortion case in October 2017, where he dissented against the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals' decision [3] to grant a detained 17-year-old immigrant access to an abortion. Kavanaugh also penned the dissenting opinion against a ruling that upheld the Affordable Care Act's birth control mandate [4], arguing that employers opposed to contraception for religious reasons should not be required to provide employees with coverage for birth control. Simply put, appointing Kavanaugh, 53, to a lifelong position on the Supreme Court would likely spell disaster for reproductive rights.

To ensure such a dangerous nomination never succeeds, organisations including Planned Parenthood [5], NARAL Pro-Choice America [6], Move On [7], and more are banding together on Sunday, Aug. 26, for a day of action called Unite For Justice [8] . . . and they need you to join in with them. Dust off your marching shoes and read on for ways you can ensure your senators get the picture: any nominee posing a threat to women's rights is an unacceptable choice for the highest court in the land.

Join a Unite For Justice Protest

Unite For Justice has organised a wide variety of events all over the country, with more than 155 gatherings currently listed on its site. Enter your zip code here [9] to locate one happening near you. Be sure to print out one of filling out a quick request form through Unite For Justice here [10].

Make a Donation

Unable to attend an event? You can still support The People's Defence [11], a group of organisations led by NARAL Pro-Choice America, which is working to stop Kavanaugh's nomination. You can make a monetary contribution here [12].

Participate in Planned Parenthood's #DearSenators Campaign

The pro-choice group is taking a stand against Kavanaugh's nomination through its #DearSenators campaign. Use the hashtag #DearSenators on social media or head to the #DearSenators site [13] to share a personal story that explains why you're opposed to his nomination.

Sign a Petition

This #StopKavanaugh petition from CREDO Action has 83,000 signatures and counting. Add yours to the list here [14].

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