Someone Asked Amy Schumer What She'd Do If Her Son Had Autism — and Her Response Is Gold

14/08/2019 - 05:50 PM
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Ever since giving birth to her son Gene on May 5, comedian Amy Schumer hasn't held back when it comes to sharing both the tender moments [3] and the not-so-glamorous ones [4]. Recently, the 38-year-old mom was asked in the comments section of one of her Instagram posts what she would do if she found out Gene had autism [5], and her response is absolute gold.

The conversation came to be after Amy shared a photo of her and Gene with the caption, "Would anyone be interested in seeing a docu series of my pregnancy and birth?" While there were tons of fans who were on board, one person proposed a different angle for the documentary, writing: "I'd like to see a documentary of you discovering your mate is diagnosed with autism and how you cope with the possibility that your child will be on the spectrum [6]."

In March, Amy spoke out candidly about the fact that her husband Chris Fischer was diagnosed with autism. "I knew from the beginning that my husband's brain was a little different than mine, [8]" she said. "My husband was diagnosed with what used to be called Asperger's [9]. He has autism spectrum disorder. He's on the spectrum."

So naturally, when the topic came up again, the comedian made a point to make her stance on the matter crystal clear.

"How I cope? I don't see being on the spectrum as a negative thing, [10]" Schumer replied. "My husband is my favourite person I've ever met. He's kind, hilarious, interesting, and talented, and I admire him. Am I supposed to hope my son isn't like that? I will pay attention and try and provide him with the tools he needs [11] to overcome whatever challenges come up, like all parents. I'd be disappointed if he liked The Big Bang Theory and Nascar, not if he has ASD [12]."

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