This Clever Mom's Simple Car Seat Hack Could Save Your Child's Life

13/06/2018 - 07:25 PM

Way too often do firefighters come upon a car wreck with child(ren) in the car who are too young to have any info and...

Posted by Rose City Area Fire Dept [1] on Sunday, March 4, 2018 [2]

As parents, our worst fear is anything bad happening to our children, let alone a car accident [3]. Because accidents are just that, it's important that we all be as prepared as possible by having our children's car seats safely installed [4] — and by taking note of this fire department's simple way to ensure that emergency personnel can keep your child safe [5] in case of an accident.

Alongside two photos — one of a car seat and another of a slip of paper with a child's name, date of birth, medical conditions, and emergency contacts — the Rose City Area Fire Department in Michigan shared how having your child's personal information somewhere on their car seat could help to save their life.

"Way too often do firefighters come upon a car wreck with child(ren) in the car who are too young to have any info and parents are unconscious," the fire department wrote. "It takes two minutes of your time to write out child's name, DOB, parents' names, DOB, emergency contacts, and any medical conditions, any meds your child is on, and even child's doctor, then stick it to the child's car seat. This helps EMS a ton and can also help save your child's life."

Once she saw this post on Facebook, Alexis Copas immediately made a similar label for her son Liam's car seat [6] and shared it with her followers in the hopes that other parents will see it.

Saw this on FB & wanted to share it here!!
As soon as I read this, I made one to stick on my child's car seat pic.twitter.com/RcG1U6EAkI [7]

— Alexis🌻 (@_AlexisCopas) March 4, 2018 [8]

If you have a child in a car seat, taking a few minutes to create a label like this for their seat could be a great help in case the unthinkable happens and you're involved in a crash or another emergency.

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