Order in the Court! Chrissy Teigen Took Luna to "Candy Court" and Yes, It's Serious Business

03/06/2019 - 08:32 PM

Court is now in session! Candy court, that is. We've probably all had those moments as kids where we'd ask our parents for a piece of candy or an extra treat from the cookie jar and the answer was usually a resounding "NO." But I, for one, didn't have Luna Stephens [1]'s negotiation skills. In a two-part Instagram video posted on Monday, Chrissy Teigen [2] shared a glimpse into what it's like to talk candy with her three-year-old daughter [3] — and Luna's arguments are so solid, I feel like we all deserve a piece of candy now.

"I now call to order the meeting of the candy," Chrissy began the very important discussion, asking Luna to give a statement about why she deserves to eat candy. Luna's response? "I want it because I want it and I like it." Look, I'm no lawyer but that sounds like a pretty strong argument to me, and if that nod is anything to go off of, it looks like Luna has already persuaded her dad. Chrissy — or Judge Chrissy, as she'll be called on her upcoming Quibi show Chrissy's Court [4] — wouldn't let the answer slide, though, without getting Luna to agree to a few conditions first.

If you ask me, Luna and Chrissy reached a pretty decent settlement. Watch the full negotiations play out ahead and see Luna get hilariously real about why she's always right about more than just candy.

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