Dad’s Snarky Post-It Notes About His Kids Will Make You Smile and Sigh All at the Same Time

30/01/2019 - 04:05 PM

Chris Illuminati, a single dad of two [1] with a wicked sense of humour, knows that sometimes as a parent, you just need to vent about all the ridiculous experiences you have while raising little humans. But rather than go on long-winded rants, he opted for a more colourful way to express his feelings: via hilarious Post-it notes.

"As a joke (because I've never taken anything in life seriously), I wrote down even the simplest of tasks and pinned it to my bulletin board [2]," said Chris on his website. "I forgot all about the note. I also forgot to change the baby."

Thankfully, Chris has been sharing some of his honest — and extremely snarky — creations with the world from his Instagram account [3], and we couldn't be more grateful. Read through to get a look at his Post-it project, and try not to mutter, "been there" under your breath.

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