This Dad Perfectly Depicted What a "Google Parent" Looks Like, and — Cough, Cough — It's All of Us

Jordan Watson, a father and comedian with his own YouTube channel called "How to Dad," [1] recently broke down the wild and wonderful world of parenting by separating moms and dads up into eight different "types" via video [2]. And obviously, his rendition of each archetype [3] is nothing short of hilarious.

He starts off by describing your run-of-the-mill helicopter parent [4] by physically hovering over his toddler daughter for what he says will be 18 years. And while that's more or less an accurate portrayal, the "parent" that resonates the most with us is hands down the Google parent. How many times have you been furiously typing in a question with your mini me climbing all over you? Probably a zillion.

The second-most-relatable example? The "mum" parent. Because sometimes there are questions only your own mother can answer. Watch through to the end to see which type you are.

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