This Dad Left Behind a Journal For His 1-Year-Old Son Before He Died, and It'll Make You Sob

10/01/2019 - 04:10 PM
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After one woman lost her fiancé shortly before her son's first birthday [2], she made a discovery that would change everything. In a now-viral Reddit thread, the anonymous mom explained how she found a journal her late fiancé wrote to their son [3] seven months after he died. She shared a photo of a page that asked the question, "How do you want future generations of your family to remember you?" and the internet is collectively sobbing.

"That's a hard question to answer," he wrote. "I want to be remembered as a good man who had his shortcomings and demons early in life. But after he got things together, he was an honest, hardworking person who loved to laugh and love, [was] never afraid to lend a helping hand to whoever needed it. A man that had a good family that he loved and would do anything for."

Obviously for the grieving woman, finding the journal meant everything to her. "And I just found it. It was with my son's books. I didn't know he had filled the book out and read through all the entries [4]," she said, adding that, "If he were still alive it would be touching," she explained, "but now that he's gone it's a treasure."

Parents can get their own copy of the journal in question — My Dad: In His Own Words [5] ($11) — and start jotting down their own thoughts and feelings.

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