Cleaning Can Be Renamed "Paw Patrolling" Thanks to These Puppy Dusting Slippers

22/03/2019 - 07:41 PM

Picture this: you're in your sweatpants, hair is in a messy bun, you may or may not be wearing dishwashing gloves [1], and you guessed it — it's cleaning time! There are a lot of words to describe the current situation and cleaning look, but cute is absolutely not one of them . . . but rest assured, that's about to change. Insert the Frjjthchy Cartoon Dog Mop Slippers [2] ($15), the microfibre dusting slippers with an adorable puppy working its magic on your floors, making "cute cleaning" an actual possibility.

The slippers are available on Amazon, where they are described as lightweight and durable, and made with "superfine fibres [for] strong water absorption and dust cleaning." The microfibre soles are detachable in case you'd like to toss them in the washing machine or take them off for those hard-to-reach places [3]. Gone are the days of bending over and straining your back while the dust buster goes to work [4], simply put on the slippers and go for a few laps around your home. The best part? You can literally clean while half asleep. From now on, we're calling cleaning "paw patrolling." Shop the multifunctional slippers ahead.

Frjjthchy Cartoon Dog Mop Slippers

Frjjthchy Cartoon Dog Mop Slippers [6] ($15)

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