16 Ways to Make Your Backyard a Magical Place For Your Kids This Summer

02/07/2018 - 10:25 PM

Creating lasting memories with your kids [1] doesn't necessarily have to involve a weeks-long, extravagant trip of a lifetime [2]. In fact, if you have any kind of outdoor space, you're already one step closer to creating a special place for your kids to enjoy. By adding small touches to your backyard, or completely transforming it into a magical oasis, you can really encourage your kids to make the most of their active imaginations. Whether their interests lay in the solitary, like reading [3], or in hanging out with friends, these magical backyard ideas are perfect for kids of all ages.

Hang String Lights

Sometimes, the simplest thing can have the biggest impact. Whether you're on a budget or pressed for time, hanging some string lights in your backyard is all it takes to add a bit of magic for your kids.

Plant a Wildflower Garden

Wildflowers are incredibly easy to grow, especially if you choose a selection that are native to where you live. They require little maintenance and can add a lot of beauty to your backyard. Your kids will love frolicking through the wildflower garden and getting lost in their imagination.

Build a Fire Pit

Nothing says Summer quite like s'mores over a fire in the backyard. Depending on your local bylaws, consider building a simple fire pit in your backyard to make the most of those Summer nights.

Install a Projector Screen

Make movie night extra special this Summer by installing a projector screen in your backyard. It's easier than it sounds — all you need is a projector and a white sheet — but it will make movie night a hundred times more special with the night sky above.

Build a Swing Set

If you have the room in your backyard, a swing set could be all your kids need this Summer to feel that out-of-school magic. Building a wood swing set from scratch is hard work, but a pre-made swing set will receive just as much appreciation.

Set Up an Outdoor Living Room

Setting up an outdoor space for your kids and their friends to hang out and relax is a great way to bring some magic to your backyard. All you really need is some blankets and pillows, but putting it under a tent and adding some decorative accents makes it even more special.

Put Up a Tent

Speaking of tents, what better way for your children to enjoy the Summer than by spending their nights sleeping under the stars? You can set up a tent and leave it up pretty much all Summer if you want to — assuming you don't care too much about how your grass looks afterwards.

Build a Sandbox

Kids can spend hours and hours playing in a sandbox. Armed with some toys, buckets, and shovels, they'll be content to let their imaginations run wild.

Build a Treehouse

Kids that are old enough to climb trees will absolutely love their very own tree house. They can turn it into a club house for their friends, or spend their Summer days reading in peace.

Hide Treasure

Treasure hunts are thrilling for children of all ages. Hide some treasure, make a map, and create a backstory to convince them it wasn't actually you who hid the treasure!

Put Up a Hammock

As much as children love Summer activities, they like to relax as well! Put up a hammock in a shady spot so they have a place to take a nap or read on those extra hot days.

Create a Reading Nook

For many kids, Summer is the only time of year they have time to read the books they actually enjoy. Create their own spot in the backyard that's just for reading, with a blanket to sit on under a shady tree.

Hang a Bird Feeder

An easy way to create some magic in your backyard is to attract wildlife. Hang a bird feeder to attract your local birds and make it a game to see how many your child can identify.

Make a Fairy Garden

Bring some literal magic to your backyard this Summer by creating a fairy garden. Gather some tiny furniture and fairy figurines and turn a corner of your garden into a fairy haven for your kids to explore.

Plant a Fruit or Vegetable Garden

Seeing fruits and vegetable grow from seed into food can produce a lot of wonder in your children. Focus on vegetables or fruits they like to eat, like berries and carrots, and they'll get enjoyment out of it all Summer long.

Buy Binoculars

Whether they use them for stargazing or for exploring the wonders and life in the garden, binoculars can really open up new worlds for your kids. Plus, they're portable, so they can take that magic with them wherever they go this Summer.

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