What Can Astrology Tell You About How Many Babies You'll Have?

24/06/2019 - 08:35 PM

When it comes to growing a family, there's no right or wrong decision on how many kids you want — as long as it feels right, that decision is up to you (and your partner, if you have one). You might want a huge house full of kids roaming around or maybe just one child to get all your attention and affection or none at all . . . either way, your home will be filled with love (and maybe a temper tantrum [1] or two).

So many things influence the number you ultimately land on, from the practical, like your current lifestyle or financial situation [2], to the whimsical, like your zodiac sign. That's right, some astrologers say your birth chart can influence how many kids you ultimately want to have. It makes sense: signs differ in personalities [3], so you might be more or less likely to want to have children based on how much you value your freedom, how much importance you place on family, how much you enjoy taking a nurturing role, and so on.

Astrologer Skye Alexander, author of "Magickal Astrology," put together this guide to the zodiac signs' feelings about their future families. Of course, while our birth charts [4] can offer a bit of fun insight into our personalities and motivations, they don't predict the future — the information here may say you're destined for three little ones when you know you're a childless-by-choice person [5]. But between your sun, moon, and rising signs, you may find a nugget that resonates with you.

Additional reporting by Melissa Santoyo

Cancer (June 21–July 21)

Cancer is the sign astrologers most associate with family, motherhood, home, and heritage, so it's natural they'd be inclined to have a huge family of little ones. "Cancers place great emphasis on family life and often feel most fulfilled with children in their lives — the more, the better," Alexander says. Cancers are also all about belonging to and keeping a strong family unit [7], so they'll likely thrive being surrounded by a loving brood.

Taurus (April 21–May 20)

Affectionate, nurturing, generous, and caring Tauruses are devoted parents, no matter how many children they have. They tend to lavish any kids with attention, good food, and material goodies, says Alexander. In general, the more kids, the better for these givers, but no matter the number, their kids will get tons of attention and love. "However, they should be careful not to spoil their kids or be too lax about discipline [8]," she adds.

Leo (July 22–Aug. 22)

Leos love showing off their star power, so they're more likely to want several kids who'll be shining stars, too. "Leos are very proud of their offspring," says Alexander. And as the sign of creativity and self-expression, Leos will probably want a creative, expressive family with big, bold personalities [9] that they can share in activities with.

Aries (March 21–April 20)

Aries are playful and fiery and maintain a childlike nature forever. In a way, they never really grow up. "These fun-loving folks are always ready to play a game of catch or touch football with their kids, so they'll probably want enough little ones to make up a team [11]," Alexander explains.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 20)

Capricorns value their heritage and traditions [12], and they take things pretty seriously — family included. Since the idea of legacy is so important, they'll likely want around three kids, Alexander says, to really spread those genes and leave a lasting impact. "Capricorns can probably trace their ancestry back centuries," she says. "They want to make sure the family name and bloodline continue, so having children is very important to them."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

"Astrologers describe Sagittarius as a sign of expansion, and these people tend to do things in a big way — which includes having a big family," Alexander says. Since they're so zestful for life, having kids to enjoy the experiences with is important, so they'll probably want three or four kids, if they can! "Fond of travelling, Sagittarian parents start taking their kids on trips [13] at an early age to show them the world and expand their horizons," she says. "Family outings are a big deal for these active folks."

Libra (Sept. 22–Oct.21)

Libras like kids but also being neat [14], and the chaos that comes with having a lot of kids can often be too disruptive for them. "They'll probably be happiest with one or two children," Alexander says.

Gemini (May 21–June 21)

Geminis are natural teachers and communicators, so they'll love sharing advice [15] with their kids and make great role models and parents. "They're always ready to help their kids with homework or to play games that encourage learning," Alexander says. These imaginative people are the Mary Poppins of the zodiac, and they'd want at least two children to guide through life. Gemini's symbol is the twins, so these parents may find the idea of having twins even more appealing, she says.

Scorpio (Oct. 22–Nov. 21)

Scorpios value their privacy, and if you have a houseful of kids, privacy sort of goes out the window [16]. "Scorpios also like to maintain control of their environments and everything that happens in their daily lives," says Alexander. "Therefore, these folks may prefer small families in order to minimize upsets and uncertainties."

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 21)

Virgos are known for their perfectionism [17], so they may steer away from having a large family. They'll likely limit the size of their family, perhaps to one child, so they can give them a great life. "Because Virgos like order and neatness, they may find it easier to care for a single child than several," Alexander says.

Pisces (Feb. 20–March 20)

Gentle and kind-hearted, Pisces love children, but they're also supersensitive and might easily become overwhelmed by too much noise, activity, and the stress of child-rearing. "Consequently, they're likely to limit the number of kids they choose to have, perhaps to only one on whom to dote," Alexander says.

Aquarius (Jan. 21–Feb. 19)

Aquarians are superindependent and need freedom [18], especially when it comes to boosting their careers. "Although they may advocate for childcare initiatives, educational opportunities for kids, and maternity benefits, they might choose to eschew the day-to-day responsibilities of parenting," she said. They may tend to a very small family, and some may not even want kids at all.

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