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How to Parent Kids Differently

I Parent My 2 Kids Differently — Here's How and Why

How to Parent Kids Differently

I often think about how nice it would be if my children had come with an instruction manual. Throughout the years, I have come up with one of my own, realising that they each require different parenting approaches.

Before I had kids, I often heard how different siblings can be. Once I had my children, I realised just how true that statement is. They are not only different — they are polar opposites. Taking into consideration their unique personalities, I have tailored my parenting to their needs. Not only do my children have a big age gap of five years, they are completely different in every way.

My daughter is 11 and in the midst of the pre-teen years. My son is 6 and always wishing he was the older sibling. While they love each other unconditionally, they bicker daily and drive each other bonkers. Even my pregnancies were completely different. With my daughter, I was sick and on bed rest, needing to be induced at 36 weeks. My son was the opposite, deciding to stay put until 41 weeks.

If you have more than one kid, you probably also parent each of them differently. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact it probably makes your life a little easier. This is how I do it.

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